At ARINTASS we are committed towards the excellence on providing services to our clients, but also we are highly engaged with the health and safety of our team. For that reason, in view of the current situation derived from the COVID-19 outbreak, and following the guidance and recommendations provided by the Sanitary Authorities and the recently declared alarm state by the Spanish government, we would like, first, send a message of calm to all our clients and team members.

As well, we would like to inform that as from the beginning of our activities, ARINTASS has support the deployment of all the needed IT resources that make possible the delocalisation of our professionals and the remote working. This has been a key tool in developing our innovation thinking and for adapting our services to the needs of our clients at all times. Thanks to this, we have been able to implement, as our main measure in the current situation, the teleworking to all our team, in that way; we are able to keep providing our services as usual.

Our efforts, today more than ever, are aimed to ensure business continuity and excellence in our services, as well as to ensure health and safety of our team following all the guidance provided by the Spanish Sanitary Authorities. Moreover, we will keep our clients informed about all the measures taken by the government that might affect their interests.

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