The official calendar has been published on 14 October 2022 by the Official State Gazette (BOE).

The Directorate General of Employment has reflected in the BOE a total of 14 non-recoverable, paid and compulsory public holidays.

Of these, 12 are national and regional holidays and, specifically, 8 of them are obligatory and cannot be substituted by the autonomous communities, unless they fall on a Sunday.

The remaining 4 can be enjoyed or substituted by each community if they so wish.

In addition to these 12 public holidays, there are another 2 public holidays, which are chosen by each local council in each municipality, making a total of 14 public holidays in Spain each year.

2023 arrives with several long weekends or long weekends. The first will be on 7 April with Good Friday. The next will be on 1 May, Labour Day, which falls on a Monday. On 8 December, Immaculate Conception Day, which falls on a Friday, and on 25 December, Christmas Day, which falls on a Monday. To these four long weekends must be added 6 January, Epiphany, which falls on a Friday.

For the year 2023 the national public holidays are:

  • 7 April (Good Friday), Friday
  • 1 May (Labour Day), Monday
  • 15 August (Assumption), Tuesday
  • 12 October (National Holiday), Thursday
  • 1 November (All Saints’ Day), Wednesday
  • 6 December (Constitution Day), Wednesday
  • 8 December (Immaculate Conception Day), Friday
  • 25 December (Christmas Day), Monday.

In addition to these eight non-substitutable national holidays (common), the autonomous region may substitute the following:

  • 2 January (New Year’s Day, 1 January falls on a Sunday and may be moved to the following Monday (day 2))
  • 6 January (Three Kings’ Day), Friday
  • 20 March (St. Joseph’s Day falls on a Sunday and may be moved to the following Monday (20th) or replaced by 25 July (St. James’ Day), Tuesday)
  • 6 April (Holy Thursday), Thursday.

For the year 2023 the public holidays by Autonomous region will be established in the Decrees or Resolutions of each competent public entity.

Inmaculada Pessini

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