by Arintass | Jan 2, 2019 | Tax Compliance
Property owners in Spain – who are not residents – are also taxed and must, therefore, declare the income obtained in Spanish territory by means of Tax Form 210. Non-resident income tax (IRNR).
by Arintass | Dec 26, 2018 | Tax Compliance
The Council of the European Union has adopted Directive (EU) 2018/1713 of the COUNCIL, of 6 November 2018 (OJ of 14 November), regarding the rates of value added tax applied to books, newspapers and periodicals, which helps align the VAT rules applicable to e-publications with the rate applicable to publications supplied on physical means of support. As of now, Member States have the possibility of also applying reduced, super-reduced or zero rates to electronic publications (reduced VAT for electronic publications).
by Arintass | Dec 12, 2018 | Tax Compliance
The rules and grounds of Tax Form 202 established in Royal Decree 634/2015 of 10 July, approving the Regulations of Corporation Tax. The Tax Form 202 is used to make payments on account of the Corporation Tax in Spain for both natural and legal persons, whether they are residents or not, provided they have a permanent establishment in national territory.
by Arintass | Nov 28, 2018 | Accounting Advice, Legal
This is a new obligation (Beneficial ownership in Spain) to be included in the financial statements for the fiscal years beginning in 2017.
by Arintass | Nov 20, 2018 | Tax Compliance
Intra-Community triangular operations (ITO) are performed among three companies located in three different countries. Thus, Company B (intermediary, Country 2) purchases goods from Company A (supplier, Country 1), to be in turn resold to Company C (final customer, Country 3), so that the product will be transported directly from the country of the supplier to that of the final customer, without entering the country of Company B.