Due to the current situation, in which many people need liquidity to keep their business running, it is time to seek financing. But, how do we know if the bank will be able to grant us the loan we need? Usually, banks have loans and credits to individuals (natural and legal) within their portfolio of services. So, they will evaluate a series of aspects that help them decide the level of risk they may have when granting us money, as well as the maximum amount to which we could aspire, taking into account the income, guarantees and, more importantly, the debts or loans that we have acquired up to that moment. All this economic / financial information is contemplated by CIRBE report in Spain.

In Spain, the Risk Information Center (CIR) is the Bank of Spain (CIRBE), hence its initials. They collect and consolidate all those risks such as loans, credits, guarantees and risks, etc., in which any natural or legal person appears as the recipient. All people can and have the right to request their corresponding risk report, since this report can be a transcendental factor when undertaking any plan at a personal or business level. Below, we detail how you can obtain said CIRBE report easy and quickly.

In order to request the CIRBE, the easiest way is through the Electronic Certificate. Obtaining the digital signature or certificate is a procedure in which Arintass personnel are at your disposal to carry out the necessary procedures so that you have it as soon as possible.

Once the Electronic Certificate has been obtained and, in order to continue with the process of obtaining the CIRBE report by electronic means, we must enter through the CIR Reports Request application belonging to the Virtual Office of the Bank of Spain.

The established delivery period for CIRBE report in Spain is 10 days if requested in person. However, if the request is made electronically, the delivery period will be entirely online and immediately.

Bearing in mind that the CIRBE report in Spain is a summary in which we have in detail all our debts, liabilities, and obligations already acquired. Which accurately compiles the mortgage and personal loans held as beneficiary or in the case of guarantor, we could conclude that the report CIRBE in Spain is a document that helps to plan in the short, medium and long term, the credits or financing that we can access in the future, reducing the probability of risks of default with third parties.

In any case, legal and tax advice is recommended. In each case, questions may arise that require professional assistance.

From Arintass, you are always our priority and with the desire to provide you with an excellent service with the best response in a timely manner, we want to offer you a comprehensive service of optimum professional quality with our highly qualified team in various branches of legal and tax advice.

In case of any clarification regarding the CIRBE report in Spain, please do not hesitate to contact us. It is a pleasure for us to serve you and we are always totally at your disposal.

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