There are two types of invoices in Spain: the simplified invoice and the full invoice. A simplified invoice or credit note is issue for invoices with amounts below 400€. Certain operations, such as transportation tickets, are limited to a total amount of 3.000€. The issue of a simplified invoice is not possible for intra-Community deliveries of goods or distance sales.

It is very important to observe the invoice components specified by the Spanish tax authorities so that input tax could be properly deducted and avoid complications.

The following components must be included on a simplified invoice:

a) Invoice number/ series
b) Date of issue
c) Date of delivery, if is different from the date of issue
d) Tax number of the invoice issuer
e) Description of the goods dispatched or service provided
f) Tax note
g) Total amount
h) Reference number of an invoice in the case of credit notes
i) Where appropriate, guidance in the following cases:

  • The note Invoice issued by the recipient
  • The notice Reverse charge procedure
  • The reference Special scheme for travel agencies
  • The reference Special scheme for second-hand goods.

In order to be able to deduct the VAT on a simplified invoice, the sender must necessarily indicate the VAT number of the recipient and the address and the amount invoiced. The VAT must be list separately.

If the requirements for a simplified invoice cannot be settle, entrepreneurs or freelancers are obliged to issue a full invoice. A full invoice contains more comprehensive elements, some of which we have summarized for you:

a) Number/Series
The numbering of the invoices within each series will be correlative.
In any case, subsequent invoices must be issue in specific series:

  • Invoices issued by the beneficiary or third parties
  • Bill corrections or amending invoices
  • Invoices issued by administrations or courts.

b) The date of issue
c) The name or business name of the issuer and recipient
d) Own tax identification number
e) Tax identification number of the recipient in the following cases:

  • Tax-free intra-Community supply of goods
  • Transaction in which the recipient is the taxable person
  • Transactions carried out in the territory of taxation where the invoice issuer is located.

f) Address of the invoicing party and the recipient
g) Description of operations
h) The tax rates
i) If necessary, the tax amount must be entered separately
j) The date on which the documented transactions were carried out or, where applicable, on which an advance payment was received, always if this is a different date of issue of the invoice
k) Where the transaction documented on an invoice is exempt, a reference to the relevant provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax.

If you have any questions regarding the simplified invoice and the full invoice or the deduction of VAT, please contact our team in Arintass our experts are at your full disposal.

Juliane Köhler

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