HR Advisors in Spain
The advice offered by the team of HR advisors in Spain includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:
Company and employee management
- Opening national insurance contribution account for new companies, and obtaining secondary accounts
- Providing advice on and management of the recruitment of employees
- Managing employee registrations, leave and changes (RED system)
- Calculating employee payslips and settlements
- Producing labour cost reports
- Preparing lists of payslips and managing remittances
- Digital processing of medical certificates, extension of leave and end of leave due to Temporary Incapacity
- Processing of Workplace Accident Reports (DELTA system)
- Production of the company certificate for the application for benefits due to a temporary incapacity, maternity leave, paternity leave, etc.
- Processing work permits (Act 14/2013):
- Highly qualified professionals
- Researchers
- Intra-corporate transfers (relocation of employees within a single business or group of businesses).
Taxes and Social Security
- Production and calculation of regular tax returns and annual personal income tax (IRPF) summary
- Monthly monitoring of the IRPF calculation
- Certificate of withholdings
- Management and monthly monitoring of Social Security (SILTRA).
Other services
- Monitoring and issuing of any electronic Social Security communications to clients
- Storing (physical and virtual) and monitoring any company documentation
- Coordinating employees through various company activity coordination platforms (UCAGECI, Coordinaware, Dokify)
- Staff administration:
- Mediation between company and employees
- Monitoring holidays
- Monitoring absenteeism
- Managing and monitoring trust accounts.