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COVID-19 in Spain: Restrictions tightened, deadline remains
The first known case of coronavirus traced back in Spain at the end of February. Until 9 March, no measures were considered to mitigate its spread. On 8 March, on the celebration of International Women's Day, more than 100,000 people were still manifesting on the...

Fiscal measures relating to periods of coronavirus in Spain
Coronavirus in Spain: On 15 March 2020, the Spanish government declared a state of alert. This is now being extended and will last until the 11th of April for the time being. As a result of this decision, all workers will have to work from home if possible. In order...
The Temporary Suspension of Employment Contracts in Spain or ERTE
The Spanish Council of Ministers approved on 17th March a series of measures of particular importance for companies in Spain. In the following look-through-chart we summarize those related specifically to the temporary suspension of employment contracts (expediente de...
Announcement COVID-19
At ARINTASS we are committed towards the excellence on providing services to our clients, but also we are highly engaged with the health and safety of our team. For that reason, in view of the current situation derived from the COVID-19 outbreak, and following the...
COVID-19: Measures to cover the needs of our clients
Given the serious difficulties that the state of alarm decreed in Spain implies for the majority of our clients, at ARINTASS we have created an ad hoc team of professionals in the labour, commercial and tax fields, to advise on the implementation of urgent measures to...
Intra-community transactions – New European Legislation
On 1 January 2020, the new VAT rules applicable on cross-border trade (intra-community transactions) come into force, following amendment of Directive 2006/112/EC.
As of April paternity leave in Spain has been extended
Prior to this, fathers were able to enjoy a paternity leave in Spain of a maximum of six weeks following the birth of a child, but with the entry into force of Royal Decree Law 8/2019, of 8 March on urgent measures relating to social protection and the fight against irregular working hours, paternity leave in Spain was extended to eight weeks as of April 2019.
Record of working hours in Spain
As of 12 May 2019 all companies must ensure that they keep a record of working hours in Spain – a daily record of hours worked by their employees. This record must include the exact start and end times of the working day.
Taxes on long-term vehicles rental in Spain
A growing number of companies and self-employed workers are choosing long-term rentals in order to lower costs and not have to buy certain goods. Vehicles are the most popular assets to long-term vehicles rental in Spain.
European Union Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive
The European Union’s (EU) anti-tax avoidance directive introduces five measures combatting aggressive tax planning which are legally-binding on Member States.