It is said that great crisis brings great opportunities

The Covid-19 has radically changed our lives, including the working and business environment. Some of these adaptations to this unusual situation could become perfect new business opportunities for any company to reinvent itself, which could help them to face the return to normality with new growth prospects.

For example:


It is not surprisingly, during the lockdown, that many companies have been promoting the use of communication tools such as Skype, Google Hangouts or WhatsApp itself. In addition to the current situation, that has triggered the use of specific platforms for webinars and video conferences. In the post-Covid-19 era, companies should use consulting and training services to correctly develop remote work protocols


Educational institutions around the world have been forced to move into the virtual environment. In the face of the ever-closer ¨new normality¨, there are great business opportunities in the creation of multimedia content, workshops, the creation and maintenance of technological platforms, to mention a few examples.


During the Coronavirus, the main Cybersecurity operators have warned of an increased in the rate of cyberattacks on hospitals and companies that decided to bet for teleworking. However, experts say that teleworking doesn´t need to be dangerous if it is well protected. In this sense, important opportunities are foreseen for companies that offer security services in teleworking for the creation and development of firewalls, backups. VPN, Antivirus, etc.


Confinement has forced people to rethink their leisure activities and with it, the consumption of digital entertainment has skyrocketed. After this acute phase of the pandemic, we will be forced to live with Covid-19 bit longer and people´s habits of distraction will have to adapt to the circumstances. It is therefore foreseeable that digital leisure platforms (audiovisual content, games, chats, social networks, etc.) will continue to grow in the post Covid-19 era. There are great business opportunities for companies willing to develop this sector.


The fact that people are staying at home longer means that there is an increased demand for e-commerce companies, This will imply a greater penetration of ecommerce in Spain and will further develop all the necessary logistics so great opportunities are foreseen to grow, or even start in this sector.

In these times of crisis and continuous change, good quality professional advice is more necessary, whether newly created or not.

In case of questions about economic and legislative framework concerning the creation of a new branch of activity, do not hesitate to contact us, our experts are at your disposal.

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