Arintass – en

New conciliation leaves for parents and caretakers

New conciliation permits

The Royal Decree Law with measures to support the conciliation of family life and professional life of parents and caretakers is approved.

The approval of these measures comes to comply with the European directive on the conciliation of family life and professional life of parents and caretakers, specifically, with Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 20, 2019.

Family Law Leave

The three leaves that were included in the Families Act promoted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy and that have finally achieved its approval are:

Equalization with domestic partners

Lastly, through the Royal Decree, the equalization implied by the Family Law between married couples and unmarried couples has also been approved. These will now be able to request and enjoy a 15-day leave of absence for the registration of domestic partnership, just like newlyweds. This leave will be paid, so no salary will be lost.

As part of a Royal Decree on anti-crisis measures, the new permits will enter into force immediately when they are published in the Official State Gazette (BOE).

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