Dismissal in Spain

Dismissal in Spain

Dismissal in Spain is the decision of the company to terminate the employment relationship it has established with the employee through the employment contract. The termination of the employment contract is established in Article 49 of the Employees Statute (ES). The...

As of April paternity leave in Spain has been extended

Prior to this, fathers were able to enjoy a paternity leave in Spain of a maximum of six weeks following the birth of a child, but with the entry into force of Royal Decree Law 8/2019, of 8 March on urgent measures relating to social protection and the fight against irregular working hours, paternity leave in Spain was extended to eight weeks as of April 2019.

Record of working hours in Spain

As of 12 May 2019 all companies must ensure that they keep a record of working hours in Spain – a daily record of hours worked by their employees. This record must include the exact start and end times of the working day.

Pregnant women can be included in a collective redundancy in Spain

It must be considered that current legislation protects pregnant workers from redundancy, and the employer must prove that the redundancy is not due to any reason related to the pregnancy, since if they cannot prove it, the redundancy would be considered null and void, and when the worker claims that she has been discriminated against because of her situation, the burden of proof will be reversed and the employer must prove that there are other reasons unrelated to her pregnancy.