On  June 1st, the procedural and administrative deadlines in Spain suspended by the Royal Decree of March 14, 2020 will be resumed.

The last Council of Ministers have agreed on a new request to extend the state of alarm in Spanish territory until June 7th. This request includes the revocation of the suspension of both procedural and administrative deadlines in Spain.

This measure has been officially published in the BOE on May 23rd, by means of the Resolution of May 20th, 2020, of the Congress of Deputies, in which the following two assumptions are agreed:

  1. The lifting of the suspension of administrative deadlines in Spain on June 1st, 2020, through the annulment of the third additional provision of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14. From that date, all the periods that had been suspended will be restarted immediately.
  2. The lifting of the suspension of the procedural and substantive deadlines in Spain on June 4, 2020, through the cancellation of the second and fourth additional provision of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14. The suspension will be lifted on the same date.

Víctor Sáez

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