SII in SpainThe SII in Spain has undergone technical modifications that will enable more accurate records of information to be kept.

Therefore, Order HFP/187/2018, of 22 February (published in the Official Spanish State Gazette dated 27 February 2018) introduces updates and modifications to Order HFP/417/2017, of 12 May, regulating the technical specifications for keeping VAT record books via SII in Spain.

Updates – SII in Spain

As such, the updates that will be applied as of 1 July include:

  • The invoice key “CS Customs – Complementary Settlement” is added to the record book of received invoices.
  • A new method key for collection/payment of transactions subject to or affected by the VAT on cash special regime is included for the purpose of identifying collections and payments processed by means of direct debit.
  • A key is established in the record book of issued invoices in order to identify invoices issued by third parties. Specific fields related to the different options for causes of exemption are also created, enabling the breakdown of the exempt amount.
  • An identifier (L29) is added to pinpoint invoices with an invoice sum higher than or equal to a €100,000 threshold. Therefore, if the invoice record exceeds this sum, it is necessary to mark the identifier.

Summary – SII in Spain

Despite being mainly technical modifications, it is important to take them into account in order to make the necessary changes and adjustments that help comply with the proper supply of VAT information for companies included in the SII in Spain (Immediate Supply of Information).

Peter Spiller

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