Extension of the Community of Madrid’s tax moratorium
The Community of Madrid has decided to extend the tax moratorium again during the period of the Pandemic crisis for Coronavirus. This measure has been in force since the middle of March and will remain for at least another couple of months as a presentation of the...
Inheritance in Spain: Management, documents and procedures
Inheritance in Spain: When family members die, the questions about the inheritance arise, the heirs, the procedures and the step that needs to be carried and the taxes to be paid in order with the payments and obligations. In many cases the main question is, Where do...
Deferral of inheritances and donations tax from Community of Madrid
The Community of Madrid in conjunction with the Regional Ministry of Finance & Public Service, will continue with the referral/postponement for the payment of the duly and assigned taxes and own management until the end of the crisis for Coronavirus. The...
Fiscal measures relating to periods of coronavirus in Spain
Coronavirus in Spain: On 15 March 2020, the Spanish government declared a state of alert. This is now being extended and will last until the 11th of April for the time being. As a result of this decision, all workers will have to work from home if possible. In order...Intra-community transactions – New European Legislation
On 1 January 2020, the new VAT rules applicable on cross-border trade (intra-community transactions) come into force, following amendment of Directive 2006/112/EC.