The new environmental taxes in the Waste Law
It aims to reduce the generation of waste and improve the management of waste that cannot be avoided, developing two new taxes to discourage less favorable management options.
It aims to reduce the generation of waste and improve the management of waste that cannot be avoided, developing two new taxes to discourage less favorable management options.
A natural person who invests in cryptocurrencies will have to declare their profits in their income tax return, while a legal entity will have to declare their profits in their corporate income tax return.
In January 2021, the Government implemented a reform in the tax tranches of the PIT for labour income and there will be an increase of two percentage points, from 45% to 47%, for income above 300,000 euros.
Negative taxable bases (BINs) can be offset in subsequent tax periods without any time limit, although with a series of quantitative limitations depending on the amount of the entity’s turnover.
The procedure for claiming Form 720 fines will depend on the situation of each taxpayer: appeals in progress, appeals not lodged but penalties within the deadline for appeal and final penalties.
The consequences of failure to comply with Model 720 are disproportionate in view of the objectives pursued by the regulatory framework, which are to ensure tax control and the fight against fraud.