The Official State Gazette (BOE) of 18 January 2022 published the new standardized application forms for Spanish nationality, by means of the resolution of 16 December 2021, issued by the Undersecretary’s Office. In this resolution, the standard application forms for Spanish nationality by residence within the scope of the Ministry of Justice are considered to be approved and the instructions for their correct use are established.

It should be noted that these new standard forms replace the previous ones published in the resolution of 11 November 2015. These models include all the information necessary for the attribution of the name and surname with which the applicant will be registered, with the aim of being able to carry out the act of swearing in and registration of Spanish nationality by residence in a quicker and more expeditious manner. Likewise, improvements are considered in the modalities of notification to the applicant and the verification of his or her data in the documentation requested.

The Ministry of Justice will provide all interested parties with information on the new standardized application forms for Spanish nationality by residence in paper format when required, and in electronic format on the website of the Ministry of Justice for downloading (

With this new resolution dated 16 December 2021, the previous resolution issued by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice dated 11 November 2015 is repealed.

In addition, in order to keep the brochure of the new standard application forms updated, the General Inspectorate of Services must send these forms to the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service, which will be compulsory use by interested parties.

At Arintass, we have a highly qualified professional team in various branches of consultancy (legal, tax, labour and accounting) with the sole purpose of offering all our clients a comprehensive service with all the guarantees in accordance with the new requirements.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. It is a pleasure for us to be able to assist you and we are always at your disposal.

Zoa Monagas

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